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Table Data Editor for Business Central

Enhance your data management with powerful, intuitive, and free Table Data Editor.
Table Data Editor is an open-source application for Business Central. This application allows you to easily manipulate data in Business Central tables. Table Data Editor is completely free and open-source, distributed under the MIT license. Anyone can contribute or share their ideas for the development of Table Data Editor on GitHub.

Summer Cleaning

In one of the latest versions of the Table Data Editor, functionality for importing and exporting table data was added. As the simplest and easiest format, I chose JSON. However, I quickly received requests to add Import/Export in Excel format as well. So, I also added the ability to export to and import from Excel.

local procedure TestInlineAssign(a: Integer; b: Integer; Age: Integer; InputInteger: Integer)
  AgeInfo: Text;
  MinNumber: Integer;
  MinNumber := a < b ? a : b;

  AgeInfo := Age >= 18 ? 'Adult' : 'Minor';

  AbsInteger := InputInteger < 0 ? -InputInteger : InputInteger
Important: Why don't we add SharePoint App Principal? The thing is, this method will soon be removed. Starting April 2, 2026, Azure Access Control Service (ACS) usage will be retired for SharePoint in Microsoft 365, and users will no longer be able to create or use Azure ACS principals to access SharePoint. Learn more about the Access Control retirement.
Radio has no future
Lord Kelvin
Grouped data are data formed by aggregating individual observations of a variable into groups, so that a frequency distribution of these groups serves as a convenient means of summarizing or analyzing the data. There are two major types of grouping: data binning of a single-dimensional variable, replacing individual numbers by counts in bins; and grouping multi-dimensional variables by some of the dimensions (especially by independent variables), obtaining the distribution of ungrouped dimensions (especially the dependent variables).
  1. Install Docker
    Go to and download docker desktop application. Install it.
  2. Enable Hyper-V
    Go to Windows PowerShell, run it as administrator, put command to enable Hyper-V:
    Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName $("Microsoft-Hyper-V", "Containers") -All
  3. Install BcContainerHelper
    Put command into PowerShell:
    Install-Module BcContainerHelper -force
    If you got an error just install PowerShell package manager, put command into PowerShell:
    Install-Module -Name PowerShellGet -Repository PSGallery -Force
  4. Reboot PC
    Reboot is required due to Hyper-V installation
  5. Switch to Windows Docker
    Go to Windows right bottom corner, find Docker icon, right-click and select "Switch to Windows containers"
  6. Get Artifact Url
    To start BC installation process you must find Artifact Url for your specific BC version, just put command in PowerShell:
    Get-BcArtifactUrl -type sandbox -country us -select Latest
    -type sandbox or onprem
    -country BC localization
    -select your specific version or
    If you have an error "that script is not signed" you need just to change PS script execution policy by command:
    Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -force -scope LocalMachine
  7. Download and Install BC image
    Put command in PowerShell:
    New-BCContainer -includeAL -containerName <SandboxName> -accept_eula -auth NavUserPassword -ACCEPT_OUTDATED -artifactUrl <artifactUrl> -updateHosts -includeTestToolkit -includeTestLibrariesOnly -assignPremiumPlan
  8. Set username and password
    In the installation process, you will have a pop-up window where you must type your new UserName and Password. Password must contain lowercase and uppercase, number, and symbol.
So why are there developers who are unhappy with the introduction of the ternary operator in AL? There are several reasons for this, let's consider some of them:
  • New syntax inherently increases the cognitive load on the developer.
  • Poor developers will abuse ternary operators, which in turn will complicate code reading and debugging.
Table Data Editor
You probably remember the glory days when we had direct access to data in Navision tables. But with the move to Cloud Business Central, we lost that ability. It's probably much safer and more correct, but what if we need to fix some data problem and we know what we're doing? We can write a routine that fixes that problem. But I suggest a better option, this Data Editor extension that allows you to change and delete information from any table in Business Central
Easy to understand
Poor performance
August 2, 2022
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